Full House Refurbishment for a Landlord

Project Information

  • Client:Beverley
  • Location:Fratton
  • Required:Full Letting House Refurbsihment
  • Date:January - 2024

"Reviving Spaces, Renewing Comfort: Transforming Every Corner for Your Ideal Letting Experience"

Embark on a journey of transformation with our comprehensive full house refurbishment project in Fratton. In just nine days, we've orchestrated a complete overhaul, from a meticulous rip-out to the installation of a brand-new kitchen. Our expert team began by stripping away the old, preparing the canvas for a fresh start. Every corner of the house received careful attention as we addressed damp issues and revitalized the space with new insulation in the roof.

Additionally, we ensured the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of the property by replacing the roof tiles. This essential step not only enhances the durability of the roof but also contributes to the overall visual appeal and protection of the house.

The heart of the home, the kitchen, underwent a stunning transformation. Not only did we install modern appliances and fixtures, but we also upgraded the electrical system to ensure safety and efficiency. The kitchen walls were re-plastered, providing a smooth and flawless backdrop for future culinary adventures.

Throughout the process, our focus remained on quality and efficiency. With precision and expertise, we meticulously prepared every surface before applying fresh coats of paint, breathing new life into the entire house. Now, the house stands as a testament to our dedication and craftsmanship—a welcoming haven ready to embrace its new inhabitants. Whether you're a landlord seeking to attract discerning tenants or a homeowner yearning for a refreshed living space, our full house refurbishment service promises unparalleled results.

Client's Testimonials

Transforming Spaces, Delighting Lives: Hear What Our Client Have to Say